Chinomso Emmanuel Onuoha is a scientist who loves God and is dedicated to the learning. On an average day, you’ll find him in church, in school, in the community or spending quality time with his family. He is also keen on sustainable living and a balanced life
His first name, Chinomso, means God is near me. His middle name, Emmanuel, means God with us. This name comes from the Bible and was first used to describe Jesus Christ.
Professional Experience
Chinomso Emmanuel Onuoha is self-motivated, goal-oriented and passionate about developing better engineering solutions. He has worked on several projects in research and development, engineering, customer service, as well as management. He has over 10 years worth of experience in management research and engineering garnered through academia, research collaborations and club participations.
Recent Presentations & Publications
Emmanuel has also contributed to development of various industries through presentations, seminars, and publications. He has won a number of awards including the Minnesota Crucible Prize and Minnesota Chromatography Student Research Award
Oral Presentations
AICHE Annual Meeting (Oct 2023)
Minnesota Chromatography Forum, Spring Meeting (May 2023)
Sustainability Symposium (Apr 2023)
AIChE Spring Meeting & Global Congress on Process Safety (Mar 2022)
Ammonia Energy Conference (Nov 2021)
Pfizer Chemistry Connect Virtual Symposium (Nov 2021)
Poster Presentations
3M Poster Session (Jun 2024)
*AIChE Annual Meeting (Nov 2023)
*iPRIME Nanostructural Materials and Processes (May 2023)
*Catalysis Club of Chicago Young Scientist Symposium (May 2021)
*Columbia University Environmental Engineering Summer Seminar Series (Aug 2021)
*AICHE Annual Meeting (Nov 2021)
Computational Investigation of Large Diameter Carbon Nanotubes in Bundles for High Strength Materials
Published in June 2020
Click the link to read the article: Here
Hydrogenolysis of linear low-density polyethylene during heterogeneous
Published by July 2020
Click the link to read the article: Here
Improving Absorbent-Enhanced Ammonia Separation For Efficient Small-Scale Ammonia Synthesis
Published in March 2024
Click on the link to read the article: Here
A Touch from Jesus
Although he grew up in a Christian home, it was not until his teenage years that Chinomso Emmanuel began to follow the Lord. Currently he enjoys serving the Lord by sharing the gospel, communing with members in the body of Christ and playing edifying songs on the keyboard.